The Lecson/Meridian Link Video (click to play)
“The Lecson equipment was one of the few examples of the maxim, If it looks good, it will sound good.” – John Atkinson, Stereophile
This site provides the history, product, performance, and repair information to complement the Lecson Audio Google Group, now over four years old with nearly 5,000 entries and members on six continents. None of this would have been possible without them, as this website represents a collective effort from literally around the world.
On a personal note, my interest in Lecson piqued while visiting London in 1974 and picking up a copy of the old Hi-Fi Yearbook at the King’s Cross news agent. Reading the book on the train, it was obvious that along with the Transcriptors and Gale folks there seemed to be a bunch of talented industrial designers making good looking audio equipment that was years ahead of the competition. Lecson was clearly one of the best.
Lecson was featured in The Victoria and Albert Museum exhibition “British Design 1948-2012: Innovations in the Modern Age”. Note that firms Lecson, Meridian, and Gale were all tied together in some manner back in the day. You may be interesting in visiting our companion Gale site or reading some of Lecson member HP’s comments as well.
Lastly, I wanted to take the opportunity to thank Stan Curtis for all his help, insight, writings, and patience associated with this group. More importantly, I want to thank him for the thousands of hours of listening enjoyment he has brought to my family.